Compiling gnome-core-0-13


I'm in the process of compiling GNOME for the first time.  I'm
somewhat new to UNIX, but have been programming for some time. 
Using the FAQ's, I've managed to install GTK+, GTK--, gnome-libs,
and gnome-objc.  However, I've hit a wall on gnome-core.  While
compiling in desktop-properties, gcc hits an error looking for
the Xxf86misc library path (the compiler switch is, as best as I
can recall, -lXxf86misc).  I think the source file had something
to do with a mouse.

This library path sounds like it should be in my X11 directory
tree somewhere, but I haven't been able to locate it.  I am
running off a Slackware install, which may or may not be
completely configured for X, although X seems to work fine, and I
had KDE (Beta 1, so it's been awhile) up at one time.

Any thoughts?

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