Re: docbook

On Tue, May 05, 1998 at 04:12:16PM -0500, Kenneth R. Kinder wrote:
> > Unfortunately it is a lynx bug: lynx does not understand jade's HTML
> > output because (I think) jade introduces a newline just before the '>'
> > in each tag.
> Oh weird!!  Why would anyone write something that clearly makes incorrect 
> HTML!?  There's gotta be something weird happening with that; possibly 
> from the DOS2Unix port, hard return change.

No, it's valid HTML. Actually, If you were a program generating HTML and
you wanted to play nice and put some returns in your output. Where would
you put them? Jade happens to pick the only place where they are
guaranteed to have no influence on the meaning.

The idea is that the first face shown to people is one they can readily
accept - a more traditional logo. The lunacy element is only revealed
subsequently, via the LunaDude. [excerpted from the Lunatech Identity Manual]

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