Re: Viability of application

> Glad I threw the query at this mailing list - your implementation looks
> close to complete.  I think I'll check the dregs of GnoFind back into my
> CVS tree and start looking at something else to do in my zero spare
> time... :) I hope you're planning to finish the Gnome Search Tool? (you
> might consider using the name "GnoWhere", it's nice and punny IMHO)

well the plan was to dump my app in favour of find-file that Maciej
wrote in scheme .... but I don't think he's done any more work on it ...
anyway ... I won't probably have time to work on that any more ... so
why don't you put those two together .... find-file really has a nice
interface ... while my tool has a working inside (the forking and pipes
and that kinds of crap is just a whole lot of fun to debug:)

have fun ....... should give you quite a head start .... but I don't
think I'll be working on it anytime soon ... so do go ahead with it if
you want 


George Lebl <>
While some may have the year 2000  | $ emacs
problem, my 64-bit alpha's got the | bash: emacs: command not found
year 292471208677 problem          | YES!!

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