Unable to run any GNOME apps...help!

I'm able to install the GNOME 0.20 RPMs, but run into the following
problem when running gnome-session...

[carlsoc@pwlnx carlsoc]$ gnome-session
gnome-session: error in loading shared libraries
: undefined symbol: _gnome_config_get_int_with_default

Any suggstions?  I've installed gnome-libs, gnome-core, and gnome-objc
(just in case), along with the appropriate 'pre-requisites'.  At least,
I *think* I have.

For what it's worth, I'm running a RedHat 5.0 system with many patches
and updates.  If more info is needed, please let me know.  Thanks!

--- Chris

# Christopher W. Carlson            # Chris.Carlson@ctwaco.ddns.org      #
# Information Systems Administrator # My opinions do NOT represent those #
# CertainTeed Corporation           # of my employer.  Linux Forever!!!  #

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