Re: Linux-Magazin ? was: Re: Article about GNOME (yet to be written;)


On Wed, 24 Jun 1998, Gregor Hoffleit wrote:

> Speaking about GNOME PR, I wonder if somebody would be interested in
> contacting the guys from the German Linux-Magazin
> ( about an GNOME article. 
> They frequently have articles and features about KDE, while I could only
> find two short quotes about GNOME. I don't know if that's an lack of
> interest from their side, or if simply nobody yet approached them. 

I thought about that too, but I'm not a very good writer. Perhaps we can
join forces, and do this together. There was although someone who wanted
to write an article for the magazin ix. 

I would like to see a programming serie, like the one about KDE, an
explanation about the widget programming, how the object oriented
structure was implemented in C, CORBA, GNOME's philosophie _but_ not a new  
KDE war. 


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