linux envy

Dearest Bob, et al.,
I saw your question regarding afterstep configuration while perusing ( a fascinating look into a wider world...) and 
saw  "and i hope this is the proper forum for it, forgive me if its 
not."  Thought to myself, "Yeah,  I have a few questions for the 
Linux community too !  Maybe if I just throw them out there, someone 
will...".  Let me say 1st, I  HAVE gotten great help, fast & friendly 
from Linux Support Services and others  AND I'm really excited by the 
whole philosophy and depth of quality software put forth by GNU/Linux.
I look forward to the day I can chuck all my MS stuff and be 
exclusively FREE.	However...after spending two hours a day for five 
or six weeks I've yet to be able to make a ppp connection to my isp 
for Netscape, etcetera. Took me this long to find out *.tar.gz files 
will unzip (sic) much nicer if instead I fetch binaries and use 
rpm -ivh   -  since I run Red Hat 5.0 !     FIVE WEEKS ! !
The question.  Do you know an entry level, really simple, info site ?
Like...  "To setup your printer...type "***" and click here... To 
install this nifty (and free) word processor... from root, type 
"minicom -s -m -c on, NcFTP open..."  DO YOU KNOW OF SUCH A PLACE OR 
Thank you all.  Thank you Robert.
Jon [(in a whiny voice) "it's too hard"] Dowd

 On Sat, Jun 20, 1998 at 08:36:15PM -0700, Robert Soros 
> Greetings Gnome developers, users and linux users of all kinds! ;-)
> Just have one quick question, and i hope this is the proper forum
> for it, forgive me if its not.
> Is there a switch in the afterstep configuration that would put
> minimized window icons on the top right hand part of the screen,
> rather then the bottom left ? If this were possible, i would find
> some contentment and peace while using the Gnome Panel ....
> otherwise its a pain in the butt, as it covers minimized icons on
> the bottom part of the screen (no, i dont like auto-hide, and i
> loathe having the panel on the right, top or left part of the screen
> ;-) yes, i'm a little picky)
> Thank you all, Best wishes fellow men.

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