CVS base for XML developments

  I have set-up an independent CVS base for XML related code
on This CVS base is available read-only, using
the CVS pserver authentification: 

export CVSROOT

cvs login
password: anonymous

cvs get XML

NOTE: there is ONLY XML related code, sorry it's not a CVS mirror
      of the Gnome code.

To gain write access, check the TODO and start sending patches :-)
(send me the login/passwd chain if you're really inetrested).
>From a more serious point of view, people should also have a look
at expat, the parser from James Clark and decide whether it's
a better option for the XML support. I am a bit afraid of being
biased so I guess it would be extremely useful if someone out there
could have a look at both code and give advices.

If it seems a better option to use expat instead of my existing code,
it's Okay (check copyrights, feature and code lisibility please).

  let's start this thing,


P.S. I also added my current DOM code, it compiles, but I didn't tested
     a single line of code. Also DOM is in Working Draft state, and some
     of this code may be obsolete soon ...

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