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davidl@ramoth.lmert.private Mon Jul 20 11:02:27 1998
Message-ID: <19980718185316.B6539@ramoth.lmert.private>
Date: Sat, 18 Jul 1998 18:53:17 -0400
From: David Lee Lambert <davidl@ramoth.lmert.private>
Subject: Tying Wine to GNOME: advice?
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Hi,  I'm thinking of adding support to Wine so people can do drag-n-drop
between Windows programs and GNOME.  Anyone have any advice or objections?

David Lee Lambert   MHm 16x20
E-mail: lmert at (temporarily)

I am a hacker,  part of an open society sworn to create and study,
but never destroy.  We know the truth about operating systems.  In the
end,  there can be only one.  May it be GNU/Linux, the OpenSource OS.  

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