Re: Disk Eject with gnome drivemount applet

On Thu, Jul 16, 1998 at 10:41:51PM +0200, Bruno Widmann wrote:
> i added a right click entry with calls the "eject" program from the
> drivemount applet.
> (e.g. "eject /dev/scd0" for /cdrom)
> It works fine for me, but please someone check it out and have a look if
> it works for you.
> I'm using debian at the Moment,  hope that this "eject" Program is
> available on redhat, suse, etc...

It would be easy to provide you with source code to do just what eject
does.  You should make the cdrom drive configurable (I have 5 cdrom
drives of various types).  Would you like some C code to eject a CD?


Erik B. Andersen   Web: 
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