Re: GNOME spreadsheet work in progress

// Looks nice, but aren't there somebody working on a spreadsheet that
// needed help? Was it based on Oleo? Can remember where I read it. It
// might be good to join forces and get a really good spreadsheet [not
// applying that you won't be able to do that on you own :)].
Miguel has already proved he can. ;-)

// A spreadsheet that could produce graphs like Kaleidagraph (commercial
// program for Mac & Windows) would be very nice.
Yes. And also graphs that print like they display like with Origin, and
form 1D to 4D as in matlab. 

I started a first plotting soft several month ago but stopped it because
it was based on gnu-libplot which has several drawbacks. (no clipping for 

I started a new app called IKNC (I can see) written in objc and which uses
dgs and gtkDPS for the device independancy.
But as everybody knows, it easy to start projects, harder to finish them.

For the moment, I mostly implemented the Graphic Context (differential and 

Any help welcome.


  Bertrand GUIHENEUF           	E-Mail:
                               	Tel.:   (33) 01 39 63 50 36

Thanks to GNU for providing us all those powerful and reliable tools
Thanks to Linus Torvald for allowing me not to be a $microsoft$ slave

  Bertrand GUIHENEUF           	E-Mail:
                               	Tel.:   (33) 01 39 63 50 36

Thanks to GNU for providing us all those powerful and reliable tools
Thanks to Linus Torvald for allowing me not to be a $microsoft$ slave

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