Re: Multi-size, Multi-Bit depth icons

On Wed, Jul 15, 1998 at 07:28:54 PM -0400, wrote:
> On 15 Jul, Ben 'The Con Man' Kahn shouted:
> ->  	These reductions are quick -- unless you want anti-aliased
> ->  scaling.  Under such conditions, a cache might be a good idea.  Only the
> ->  first time is slow.  THEN I suggested a cache which stores information
> ->  needed for each scaling op.  This way, scaling to any size is fast.
> ho - you mean just like imlib's current pixmap caching scheme (that
> does exactly this) :) i though u mean take the 640x480 and just use
> that instead... :)

I think that's what he meant with the caching, yes <G>.  (Though
perstistancy might be a Good Thing -- that isn't there now, is it?  Also, is
it cross-process?)

However, a quality option bitmap somewhere might be a Good Thing (resizing
alogrithim, dithering).  Perhaps even making an intelegent default decision
(based on image size)...

	-=- James Mastros
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	-=- Me, with apology to anybody using a similar statement in their
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	    Other uses will be considered on a case-by-case basis.

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	-=- Me, with apology to anybody using a similar statement in their
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	    Other uses will be considered on a case-by-case basis.

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