some comments

	Hello there,

I have some comments to gnome UI:

	* what about a new loadfile dialog with enhanced features like
just-one-click to change dir, with icons, etc. (similar to that in KDE).
The one that offers Gtk+ works well, but it is a bit ugly (sorry :-)

	* some days ago, someone mentioned that (maybe) Owen Taylor was
working in a 'capture Xwindow to a Gtk+ window' ... how is it state? is 
there any sources to test?

	Well, greetings from a (very) new gnome program coder ;-) 

                                                             INIGO SERNA

* INIGO SERNA ROBLEDO         *    E-mail:                              *
* Avda. de los Chopos 41, 2.C *             *
* 48990. Getxo - BIZKAIA      *******************************************
*      BASQUE COUNTRY         * '... what made my dreams so hollow ...' *
*          SPAIN              *                               TOM WAITS *

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