Panel Ideas

Having used the panel in Gnome 0.12 here are some of my ideas:

The app-launcher icons should be more active. ie when a file is dragged onto 
the icon the file file is opened app, whether or not is the app is currently 
running. Also a single click on the icon should open up a new document for 
that application. This would give the idea that each icon represented a 
'class' of documents rather than an application and each window actually 
represented a document.

Some of you may have already seen something like this idea on Acorn RISC-OS 
machines where each running application registers an icon on the 'icon-bar' 
and this can then be used to control the whole application rather than just 
one window.

Also, why does the panel stay on top all the time, even when xscreensaver is 

Please tell me what you think.


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