excellent news for DocBook

There are a couple of good bits of news.

* Norman Walsh and another dude (see below) are writing an O'Reilly
  book on DocBook.  This will allow us to go beyond the crappy
  reference materials that the Davenport group gives us.  They talk
  about 1998 publishing, but they add a smiley.

* Thanks to Ulrich's help I am making very good progress on the
  DocBook tools using Norman Walsh's latest (and rather complete)
  DSSSLs.  I already have some RPMs with the new stuff, but I will
  customize them a bit more (Norman has a good modular way of
  customizing them) before I announce them.


[from Norman Walsh's home page]

Leonard Muellner and I are writing DocBook in a Nutshell, to be
published by O'Reilly & Associates in 1998 (we hope ;-). Progress has
not always been as rapid as we would like, but we seem to be closing
in on the end now.

As the book nears completion, I'll be posting excerpts, examples, and
other information about the book on these pages.

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