Re: your $1000 donation is still here

Regarding the Debian donation (which I am very happy they donated)"

  I like the proposal of buying books and equipement to those Gnome
contributors that need them.  It comes to mind buying CORBA books,
scheme books, networking books, unix programming books or whatever the
GNOME contributors think they might need to improve their lives and
hacking time.

  Personally, I got a lot of handy toys at the University, and I have
an Indy loaned by SGI to do free software development (Linux/Indy, but
it has got diverted into doing gnome, for details
:-), so I do not need money for buying toys.  

  So, if you are a gnome contributor and could use some of that money,
mail me or mail the gnome-hackers mailing list the request and we will
try to sort out what to do.

  If none of the Gnome hackers needs anything, we can turn this money
to the DGS fund, but I would certainly would like to get toys to the
gnome hackers that need it. 

best wishes,

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