Re: Database for gnome

In message <>, Peter Norton writes:

> You're talking about implementation, and not the protocol itself.  It's

Well, I've read articles that suggested the protocol itself was not
that great.  However, I'm willing to believe Oracle is the problem where
I'm at.  Little about Oracle impresses me, but I still want to be able
to use it since so many people have them (oracle databases I mean).

> > I'm think ODBC would be good for Gnome to use generally, but that we'd
> > also want to support things like SQLnet and protocols for other databases
> > as well.  Maybe like Perl does witht he DBI/DBD stuff.
> SQL*Net should be made obsolete by CORBA+ODBC.  So should other such nasty
> hacks to extend a database to a network.

I agree, technically.  But there is a lot of sqlnet software out there
and it would be nice to access Oracle from Linux without rewriting the

Sybase has released client support for Linux and it works great.  Its a
major GoodThing(TM).

Of course, Oracle 8 is supposed to be using CORBA in their API.  However,
at the two conferences I went to in the last few months, they were
pushing sqlnet hard.  Its confusing to talk to ANYONE at Oracle.

Maybe we don't care about that.

Having said that, I support CORBA.  Its just that it doesn't get me
connected to Oracle with my current sqlnet-based software.

If this project is to use CORBA, we need to get good documentation and
try to encourage someone to write a book on it.  It would be nice to
see O'Reilly write a ``Programming CORBA'' book.

We need a better WWW site for CORBA than that OMG page.

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