Re: Gnome Developer's documentation.

    Cheng-Chang> Mark Galassi wrote:
    >> [I can't find it in the GNU standards right now] It is
    >> discouraged to try to write documentation from comments.  This
    >> is because very good documentation should be written with care
    >> for the whole context, and not just by extracting pasting
    >> pieces of information together.

    Cheng-Chang> A conterexample to what you said: Have you read Qt's
    Cheng-Chang> documentation? It is produced from the source
    Cheng-Chang> automatically.

That is a n interesting point.  I will have to stand partially
corrected, since mine was a "no go statement".

I guess the correct statement is that if we document the API in the
source file comments, we had better do a damn good job of it.

Horacio Pena is a steamroller, so I'm sure he'll have his new tool in
place soon :-)

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