Re: Mico Performance && Re: mico RPMS

> > It takes quite awhile to compile. about 35min on my ppro 200 w/ 32MB 
> > and w/o X and hardly anything else running.

> Kewl.  I have a lowly P75, and it'd take quite a while to compile :) 

Well, I guess the compilation would take longer on a P75, OTOH a ppro200 isn't
everything that determines the speed of compilation. My system (2xPPro200 w/
128MB w/ X11, 3 RC5-clients, X11, Adabas D, Roxen Challenger, top and all
kinds of other "standard gadgets" running) compiles Mico (without using make
-j2  over both CPUs) in 17mins flat. I guess, this just goes off to show, how
important RAM is... Judging from the "top" running during compilation, the
make job occupied its CPU, while all my other "gadgets" were on the other

Still, in this case you can half the time required for this by getting some
more RAM, I think 32MB are the same to g++ as 4 MB for are linux -- too
little... ;)


Windows 95: n.
    32-bit extensions and a graphical shell for a 16-bit patch to an 8-bit
    operating system originally coded for a 4-bit microprocessor,  written
         by a 2-bit company that can't stand for 1 bit of competition.

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