Re: gnome yellow sticky project (was Re: Creating a word processor)

On Thu, 05 Feb, 1998 at 08:37:23PM -0400, Aldy Hernandez set free these words:
> Ooops, your email just got lost in the piles of emails I'm going through.
Glad to see I'm not the only one with a flooded mailbox *grin*

> I saw your "thoughts" on your web page.  I think you're aiming more at a
> todo list and I'm aiming more at random notes scattered through a
> desktop.  I think my idea can suit you as well, but not vice versa. 
I think somewhat the opposite actually :-)  At least as far as thee UI goes.
See, what I'm thinking is along the lines of a postit note where you can have
multiple ideas stuck together, yet be able to come apart in a reasonable
manner.... Uhmmm.... Hmmm.. The postit note analogy is only taking me so far
here....  Okay.  Take a large size postit and turn it so the sticky side is to
the left.  Now write on the postit some important bit of trivia "Call Sally".
A little later, write underneath that, "Call Aunt Sue".  A little while after
that, start writing a couple things that you want to say to Aunt Sue.  Decide
that The "Call Sally" message should really be put somewhere else so you'll
be able to visually identify it and not lose it among all the notes about Aunt
Sue.  Tear off that top strip and postit somewhere new.

So this app that I've started coding has the ability to tear off just the
"Call Sally" portion of your note and drop it somewhere to make a new note.
Or drop it into another prexisting note if you think it would go better
there.  (Say you can access your work machine from home, but not your home
machine from work.  So when you come home, you pull all your notepad that
says, "Call Sally" and "Call Dave" and merge it with the one at home that has
"Call Ripkin" written on it.

To get the behavior of xpostit+, simply make the app only use one entry per

I want to have a lot of pads sitting around my workspace just as you do, only
I want to be able to "merge" and "unmerge" different pads.  (Why?  Well -- it
provides better visual cues that two things are related than just being in
similar areas of my desktop, cuts down on unneccessary window manager
decorations, and might just be fun to code into the bargain.

> The xpostit+ author is in the process of converting his app to gtk+.  
> I've emailed him and expressed some of my concerns.  He has some very 
> cool ideas for upcoming features in gtk:
> > A few:  projects (if I can get color coding of notes to work properly),
> > alarm audio, a simple envelope printer, possibly some syncing with
> > PalmPilot's, timeclock style functions (maybe).  And, obviously, a new
> > interface.
Looks marvelous!  Lots of cool features in there.

> I emailed him this morning and gave him my ideas.  When he finishes his
> conversion to gtk, I'm thinking about contributing a few hundred lines of
> code to his project so I can have all my ideas and gnomeify the thing.  I 
> still haven't received word from him, but I think he'll comply.  I mean, 
> I don't want to duplicate his efforts and I'm sure he could use extra 
> features-- makes it easier on the both of us.
> Email me in a few days so I can tell you what he responded.
Okay, I will.

-Toshio Kuratomi <>
badger  \"The Difference between today and yesterday is not so much what has
@prtr-13 \ changed between then and now as what I hope to change by tomorrow."  \~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~

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