1998-12-29 buglist

Miguel says he fixed gnome-terminal, so that is off the map, along with
quite a few other items that either seemed irrelevant, had been fixed, or
couldn't be reproduced.

	The Buglist
* gtk
fvwm2 2.0.46 seems to barf on gtk_window_set_policy(). Investigate.

* gnome-libs
Right clicking on toolbars & menu bars to set position should work as it
used to (even though users can drag it around, we need to give them the
right-click option :) [1998-12-28]

* gnome-core
** Panel
Seems to starts flaking out after menu applets are added & removed, esp
via dragging. How to reproduce:
	Start up new panel

	Drag three 'Red Hat menus' onto the panel.

	Change their properties so they are all 'main menu' menu applets.
	Make sure the System & User menus are set to be "on a submenu"

	Remove these three menu applets.

	Run the 'About...' menu item on your original main menu.

	Drag a 'Red Hat menu' onto the panel.

	Try to change properties on this menu.
It segfaults inside glib somewhere. [1998-12-29] [NEW]

When dragging items between panels, pointer sometimes loses its "grab". [1998-12-28]
How to reproduce:
	Start up default panel.
	Add new panel -> edge panel
	Use the middle mouse button to drag the clock applet to the new
	panel. As soon as it reparents, move your mouse pointer off the
	new panel.
	(the bug also happens for launchers but is easier to trigger
	 with applets).

Swallowed apps don't work very stably. The undocking & docking is flaky.

Autohide should be feasible for corner panels as well as edge panels.

** mini-commander applet
After losing focus, cannot get focus back into the GtkEntry. I think this
is a GtkPlug/GtkSocket bug, not sure. [1998-12-29]

** menu "appletette"
Should show the "Menu icon" properties tab (from "Global panel
properties") as part of right-click properties. [1998-12-28]

** gnome-session
Doesn't seem to save restart commands for some of the properties programs
started by the default session. [1998-12-28]

Needs to allow setting the startup order and delays between startup of
particular commands (to eliminate race conditions, e.g. sound-properties
must have esd started before everything else). [1998-12-29]

** gmenu
need dnd support in tree view

* gnome-utils
** gtt
Starts very small [1998-12-28]

* Gnumeric
Default window size is too small [1998-12-28]

* ee
Should be possible to start applications (e.g. gimp) for an image in ee.

* gmc
needs new icons, and some blurring of the small icons, like the panel.

The tree doesn't always update (try to change the name of a directory).

Missing features: right-mouse-button menus, etc. [1998-12-28]

segfaults on startup [1998-12-28]

* enlightenment
Missing stability (segv on session exit, hangs when an application
window closes). [1998-12-28]

Needs to pay attention to GNOME hints (i.e. panel location) when
determining maximize size. [1998-12-28]

* gnome-games
** Freecell
Should be replaced by aislerot (the xtra function in freecell should be
implemented in aisleriot)

* gdm
Once you log out of a session, it keeps starting up a blank X server.
[unverified today - it wouldn't start a session for me to log out of. mkp
says it is fixed, though] [1998-12-28]

* general
Most help buttons doesn't work - WRITE DOCUMENTATION!!! :)

* ggv
Needs to display 1st page of document upon startup [1998-12-28]

Needs to allow scrolling around page. [1998-12-28]

Crashes upon file load [1998-12-29] [NEW]

* control-center (gnomecc)
gnomecc crash upon theme selection with panel running. [1998-12-28]

The screensaver test option in control center does not work.
It is trying to find <screensaver name> on the path using the
TryExec fields of the .desktop's, instead of using 'xscreensaver'.

The distinction between the "Appearance" and "Workspace" capplet trees is
confusing/unclear. [1998-12-28]

E configuration doesn't work. [1998-12-29]

-- Elliot
"In film you will find four basic story lines. Man versus man, man
 versus nature, nature versus nature, and dog versus vampire."
    - Steven Spielberg

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