bash dependancies [was: Re: Patches?]

Jeff Garzik wrote:

> I fixed a bunch of these a while ago, looks like I missed a few.  :)
> Solaris doesn't have '/usr/bin/grep -q' either.
> If you see an with "pushd" and "popd" references, squash those
> too.  That is a bash dependency.

Even though I agree (wholeheartedly, or even more so :-) with this goal,
it might be sensible to point out that teensy weensy little bugs in
vendor's shells still make it a good idea to retry with bash before
digging in too deep... I just wasted more time than I care on getting
gettext to compile, only to find out that the shell I was using was making
up its own national languages... Needless to say, isolating this in a
gazillion line configure script to report to either the gettext
maintainers (if they got it wrong) or to BSDI (if their shell got it
wrong) is time consuming...


					-- Bert

Bert Driehuis, MIS -- -- +31-20-3116119
The grand leap of the whale up the Fall of Niagara is esteemed, by all
who have seen it, as one of the finest spectacles in nature.
                -- Benjamin Franklin.

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