Re: Enlightenment 0.15 slowing down kernel clock?

"Igor S. Livshits" wrote:

> Hi,
> Seems that the enlightenment-0.15-5 rpm distributed with gnome-0.99 slows
> down my kernel clock to about 1/5 the speed of time. Has anyone else
> encountered a similar problem? Any work-around?

I have something like this, but it seems to be XFree86 problem. For me it's
enough to start X server and I get absolutely the same behaviour (clock is
slowed down ~5 times). I noticed, however, that this does not happen EVERY
time that I run X server, sometimes it didn't happen. If this is a bug in
XFree, in my case it occurs upon server start, in your case, E may trigger

> I am running a RH Linux 5.2 on a Dell i686.

My setup:
IBM IntelliStation MPro, Permedia2 board.
RH 5.2
Xfree-3.3.3, 3DLabs server
kernel: 2.1.131 and 2.1.132.
Problem appears without any GNOME app started.

PS. I think it will prove to be the non-gnome related problem, so we'd
better move it to appropriate newsgroup/mailing list.

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