Re: mini-commander loses focus after pager (panel?)

Are you sure it is a WM issue?  I just tried a similar test with the web
control applet, and found that if you performed the steps you give, you
couldn't change focus.

However, after removing and re adding the applet, I could change keyboard
focus again.

Maybe it is a panel problem.

James Henstridge.


On 21 Dec 1998, Oliver Maruhn wrote:

> (George) writes:
> > then I think the problem must be E ... it's probably not giving the panel
> > keyboard focus under the assumption that the panel doesn't need it ...
> > definately there are instances where it doesn't but there needs to be
> > a solution ... under WM you only get a focus once and then you can never
> > get it again
> This seems to be right for people who can't type something into
> mini-commander at all.  BTW, also someone who is using icewm reported
> this problem.
> But what's about the "two mini-commanders problem"? Try this:
> 1. start two mini-commanders on one panel
> 2. give one of them the focus (if you can...) and type some chars
> 3. switch to the other one and press some keys, too
> 4. switch back to the first and try to enter some more chars; 
> Step 4 does not work on my system (currently I'm using icewm).  I
> can't witch the keyboard focus any more.
> Since I can give mini-commander the keyboard focus two time but not
> for a third time, I wonder if this could also be a problem with the
> panel?
> It looks like here are some different problems coming together.  Or
> is this all caused by mini-commander?
> Cheers,
> Oliver
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