Re: GWP doesn't compile (patch included)

On Sat, Dec 19, 1998 at 08:38:15PM -0500, Daniel Burrows scribbled:
>   I poked around in the gnome_app_remove_menus() code and discovered that
> it calls gtk_container_remove() on each menu item, followed by
> gtk_destroy_widget(), but the gtk_destroy_widget() segfaults first time.  Is
> it possible that gtk_container_remove() destroys the widget, causing
> gtk_destroy_widget() to free() memory which has already been deallocated, or
> something like that?  Anyway, this looks like maybe a libgnomeui bug.. (?)

  Well, I commented out the gtk_destroy_widget() call in
gnome_app_remove_menus() and it _appears_ to work fine.  I've attached a patch
against gnome-libs/libgnomeui, it's a one-line change again. :-)  I'm concerned
about eliminating a memory-freeing call, although I can't see how it could be
segfaulting unless the gtk_container_remove() call destroyed the widget already.
So I may have introduced a memory leak, but I don't THINK so at the moment..
I'd feel more secure if someone else confimed that this was kosher though.

  Daniel Burrows

  Nothing is hopeless.

(a) Assume the opposite.
(b) If something _is_ hopeless, then its condition can only improve.
(c) If its condition can only improve, then there must be hope for it.
(d) Therefore, nothing is hopeless.  QED.
Index: gnome-app-helper.c
RCS file: /cvs/gnome/gnome-libs/libgnomeui/gnome-app-helper.c,v
retrieving revision
diff -c -r1.95.2.3 gnome-app-helper.c
*** gnome-app-helper.c	1998/12/18 09:58:30
--- gnome-app-helper.c	1998/12/20 01:45:04
*** 1372,1378 ****
  		child = GTK_WIDGET(children->data);
  		children = children->next;
  		gtk_container_remove(GTK_CONTAINER(parent), child);
!     gtk_widget_destroy(child);
--- 1372,1378 ----
  		child = GTK_WIDGET(children->data);
  		children = children->next;
  		gtk_container_remove(GTK_CONTAINER(parent), child);
! //    gtk_widget_destroy(child);
Index: gnome-init.c
RCS file: /cvs/gnome/gnome-libs/libgnomeui/gnome-init.c,v
retrieving revision
diff -c -r1.62.2.1 gnome-init.c
*** gnome-init.c	1998/12/17 02:16:00
--- gnome-init.c	1998/12/20 01:45:04
*** 403,409 ****
   * Parse:
   * $gnomedatadir/gtkrc
   * $gnomedatadir/$apprc
-  * ~/.gnome/gtkrc
   * ~/.gnome/$apprc
   * appname is derived from argv[0].  IMHO this is a great solution.
--- 403,408 ----
*** 450,462 ****
  	/* <gnomedatadir>/<progname> */
  	file = gnome_datadir_file(apprc);
- 	if (file){
- 		gtk_rc_parse (file);
- 		g_free (file);
- 	}
- 	/* ~/.gnome/gtkrc */
- 	file = gnome_util_home_file("gtkrc");
  	if (file){
  		gtk_rc_parse (file);
  		g_free (file);
--- 449,454 ----

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