Re: RPM 0.99 report

>>>>> On Sat, 19 Dec 1998 12:35:09 -0500 (EST), said:

  On 18 Dec, Gisli Ottarsson scribbled:

  -> [Re: E] Very nice, but a bit busy for my taste.  Is there a way
  -> to turn off all the bells and whistles all along the screen
  -> perimeter?  Where is the panel supposed to fit?

  CH> see the ? button - hit it and read :)

Good point!  My face is red :-(  Ctrl-Alt-a got me what I wanted.  Also,
switching to the icE theme seems to somehow have trimmed some of the

  -> - When I picked on the pager I got taken to a different desktop, but
  -> the panel was not sticky and got left behind.  I was, therefore,
  -> unable to use the panel to get back.  I could not figure out how
  -> to make the panel sticky.

  CH> the problem here is a race condition of panel, pager and E - the panel
  CH> starts up - looks for a gnome compliant WM - e hasnt started yet -
  CH> panel works in "fallback" mode - but then E finishes init.

  CH> the solotion:

  CH> (sleep 4; panel) &
  CH> exec enlightenment

I went back to having the panel last

enlightenment -theme icE &
sleep 4
exec panel

The panel now works well *and* handles the logout.  Is this not
kosher?  Where does gnome-session fit in?

  -> Basically, I have to say that most of the E gizmos mystified me
  -> because most of them seem to have a counterpart in the panel.

  CH> primarily cause E is designed to run standalone ...

Duh!  As you can see I've swallowed GNOME hook, line and sinker and forgotten
that there is life on the other side.

My 0.99 set-up is now *better* than 0.3 and I love where this is going.

Thanks for the help.


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