Re: possible bugreport (I hope :)

On 19 Dec, Kjell Arvid Grindalen scribbled:
->  I am running the first set of E+gnome0.99 that was released
->  in .rpm format. Its been setup on a i586 64mbRam with genuin Intel
->  Processor
->  Besides that the rest of the hardware on the box is less then perfect
->  but here is what I have trouble with.
->  Perhaps this is just un-implemented features yet. If so please disregard
->  this mail :)
->  1)Menu-editing under system
->   When the thumbnail-preview is about to load the icons you can choose from
->  ,it crashes the menu-editing program. 
->  I installed XFree86-S3-3.3 a little while ago and I am quite amazed to see
->  that under the gnome-0.99 and E-15, X is consuming from 25% to 30% of my
->  memory
->  It kinda makes my system wich I belive is kinda in the midst of the tree
->  seem very sluggish, could this be something I can do something about
->  myself ? anybody know ?

By default E turns saveunders on - you can turn this off - it means if
its on, you get better speed (ie less exposes and thus refreshes)
because the X server remembers allt he window contents wqhen obscured -
but this si att he expense of memory - you can turn saveunders (use
memory to reduce refreshes) off in the e-conf capplet in the gnome
control center to save ram :)

->  Besides that I would just like to say that Gnome with E looks incredibly
->  good, finally someone got rid of thoose ridicolous *(err..) thick
->  titlebars that have usually been used in many wm's and gnome's
->  funcunonality paired with E and gtk+themes makes something really great .)
->  cant wait for the 1.0 version of this :)
->  Best of luck to the developers
->  Btw: does anybody know wether it will eventually be possible to change the
->  width of the panel ?  
->                        Kjell Grindalen
->  		      Fjellbirkeland Studentby 28a 134
->  		      Sognsveien 218
->  		      0864 Oslo
->                        Tlf:22 18 74 57

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