Re: gtk: resizing option menu button when updating its child menu

Hans Erik Martino Hansen <> writes:

> Hi,
> I have an option menu in a hbox. I sometimes changes the contents of
> its child menu. In fact it starts out being empty. This means that the
> option menu button is sized so small that the text of the selected
> menuitem is not visible at all.
> How do you make sure the option menu button is resized when the child
> menu is updated?

I found out myself. Instead of reusing the child menu, I created a new
each time. That seems to work.

 \|/ ____ \|/  Erik M. Hansen <>
 "@'/ oo \`@"
 /_| \__/ |_\  Fuglesangsalle 69, DK-8210 Århus V, Denmark. 
    \__U_/     Phone home 86106814

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