Re: gmc

Jeff Garzik wrote:
> Here is now nedit does it, and it seems pretty workable.
> $ nedit -server &
> $ nc file1 file2
> $ nc file3
> $ nc file4
> nc is essentially like a 'netscape -remote' command, which tells the
> main nedit process to spawn another window with the given file.
> I'm sure some trick can be employed, like signalling instance #1 instead
> of starting another gmc process, if a certain shared memory key exists.

Wouldn't the corba-correct method be to contact a well known
gmc-factory object for a reference to the server for a given 
gmc-instance (e.g. directory).  The factory would then create 
the instance if necessary, and return that instance's corba 
reference for use by the main program.  Or is that method
not well suited for a file browser?

>         Jeff

-- ebm
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