Color schemes: Proposal for after the code freeze

Increasingly, the screenshots are looking more and more snazzy yet more
and more garish in terms of color-composition. Programs increasingly are
using multiple colors, but running multiple programs, GTK themes,
background image, etc. with each portion a distinct color scheme really
clashes and is, in many ways, unattractive and "neon lights"-esque.

I propose that we have "hints" for colors, derived from color schemes as
part of the themes. A user defines what color subset he wants to use,
defines a particular color range for intensity, a particular one for
generic text, etc. and the programs attempt, in portions where color is
not critical to operation, to map their pixmaps, text, etc. to that color
scheme. imlib could perform wrapping so that programs would not actually
have do do anything themselves.

This would be a greater step towards the GNOME theory of unified
appearance with configurability. I personally, with no disrespect to
Tigert, would prefer to see a light blue GNOME foot on my desktop, a sea
green about box, etc.

What do everyone think?

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