Re: Suggestions for coding your GNOME applications (Miguel de Icaza) writes:

> >  -- Make use of tear-off menus (not these silly tear-off menu bars
> >     please) wherever it proves feasible.  This is especially useful
> >     for large nested menus where one repeatedly might want to access a
> >     certain entry.  As a good example for an application that would
> >     significantly gain in useability from such an enhancement would be
> >     the current stable GIMP.
> If this feature is needed, it needs to go into the gnome-app-helper
> code.  Then, every Gnome Application will benefit from this.
Yes, puhleeze!  I'd be eternally grateful if someone could look into
getting this implemented, although i suppose that this will have to
wait until after the code freeze and most likely even the release of
GNOME-1.0.  In any case this would clearly be a definite advantage in
useability for the user interface to what the KDE people are currently
offering.  And naturally GNOME does aim at being far better in any
instance than any of the competitors, right?!  ;-)

The bad thing about being a non-coder is that we just can't simply do
what we propose.  But thanks for listening to us! :-)

                                 Thank you, P. *8^)
   --------- Paul Seelig <> -----------
   African Music Archive - Institute for Ethnology and Africa Studies
   Johannes Gutenberg-University   -  Forum 6  -  55099 Mainz/Germany
   ------------------- --------------------

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