GNOME Games?

So, what sort of games are in the pipe for GNOME? I don't mean the generic
tic-tac-toe games, I'm thinking of ones a little more ambitious.

I've been working on something for the last while in my spare time, partly as an
opus hobby and partly as a testbed for things I've been meaning to try. It's
intended to be sort of a GNOME StarCraft.

I put a binary-only package at should you wish to take
a breather during the freeze and check out what I'm up to. Please note that I
have better things to do than write trojans; it only touches the filesystem to
grab two images, and I haven't seen it crash in a week. I use GTK+ 1.1.2 and
GNOME 0.3.

It should run fine on a Pentium II. Any lower and YMMV. Any higher, and feel
free to open huge multiple views.  :-)  The lag meter will display animation lag
for your convenience. The map size and unit numbers are hard coded for now, but
there's more flexibility under the hood than the UI shows right now.

You can scroll either in the panner or by using the middle mouse button in a
view. Also, you can scroll using the arrow keys in the view. However, only every
second key press works because of the focus changing. If the focus is correct
(you can see trace in the console) then 'g' should toggle the grid on and off.

Xmas is soon upon me so who knows when I'll get things done, but my plans are to
work on selection, actions, and perhaps networking, and/or map/terrain next.
Which reminds me, where can I find documentation on how to use GNOME's XML
facilities? I know XML, just need a pointer to the parser etc. Obviously I
simply *must* store maps, unit descriptions, etc. as XML...

The graphics are ripped from StarCraft and obviously are temporary and unusable
beyond a demo.

I'd be interested in seeing what else along these lines is being worked on. I'm
not asking for help, nor is my source available yet. It's still taking shape.
Besides, it's all icky C++ and STL and design patterns...  :-)

Anyways, this is just to let you know what others are building upon your
efforts. Keep up the good work!


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