Re: File selection dialog changes

In message <>, Richard Hult writes:
| > Yipes!  Think this one through very carefully!  Consider the
| > following quote from the Interface Hall of Shame, in a section
> ( deletia )
| The more extreme things that are mentioned in the hall of shame is
| probably just confusing and shouldn't be in the dialog though.

In any case, WordPerfect started this particular bit of silliness and it made 
its way into Win95/98/NT because it was *useful*.  Admitted, generalized open 
from a "save as" dialog is dubious, but basic file manager ops strike me as a 
good idea.

(IOW CORBA is probably out of place here.  If you think you need it, 
reconsider whether the functionality you're after belongs in a file dialog.)

brandon s. allbery	[os/2][linux][solaris][japh]
system administrator	     [WAY too many hats]
electrical and computer engineering					 KF8NH
carnegie mellon university	      ["God, root, what is difference?" -Pitr]

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