Re: Objective C bindings

Hi Jason,

sorry if my answer is a bit short.
objc bindings are mainly maintained by Elliott Lee and myself.
They are update quite often, at least to make the current bindings work. 
It is true that some gnome features are missing from obgome, but I want
to fix them next week, just after the freeze. 

There is no documentation for the moment, but I would say a good 
Gtk/Gnome should be OK. 

The only thing you have to remember is that gnome-objc is just a wrapper
and you thus don't have real inheritence. In fact you can make your own
customized classes, but you can not use "virtual" methods on gtk objects.

I mean Gtkobjects don't know nothing about objc, you can not expect them
to call a customized paint function for example.

Tell me if you don't see what I mean at all. I'll try to give concrete 
examples that would explain best the whole thing.

About obgdk, I am not sure it would be very useful, but maybe you have 
ideas about it.

And YES, you can write whole apps in objC !!!

Best reagrds,


  Bertrand GUIHENEUF           	E-Mail:
                               	Tel.:   (33) 01 39 63 50 36
                    !!  Use GNU/LINUX OS  !!

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