Re: Whose end is this broken on ?

I ran into simular problem -- panel will not ran with applets.

I just checked out from CVS and compiled: glib, gtk+, imlib, libIDL,
ORBit, gnome-libs, gnome-objc, libgtop, and gnome-core.
(are libvfs, and libIDL needed as Soren says?)

When I run panel from xterm it was showing just as a gray strip (no
error messages), till I kill "gen_util_applet --activate-goad-server
..."  process. Exiting panel saved that appletless state and now it
runs, but freezes as soon as you try to add applet. Killing
gen_util_applet process unfreezes panel. Funny part is, that there is
no error messages and nothing dyes on its own.


PS. I install everything GNOME related in /opt/gnome using
"--prefix=/opt/gnome" option configuring glib and gtk+ and both
"--prefix=/opt/gnome" and "--with-gtk-prefix=/opt/gnome" compiling
Gtk+ dependent packages. CVS gimp and gnome-core programs runs just

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