LibGTop Compiling Problem

Hi there!

I found a strange problem compiling the latest (and all other
available-through-cvs) version of libgtop. Already the configure script says

	warning: sed cannot find in ../sysdeps/linux

When trying to compile anyway, make is complaining:

	no rule to make target ../sysdeps/linux/close.c , needed by libgtop.pot

and stops. I took a deeper look at /sysdeps/linux/ and found only an empty
Makefile in it. So to me it seems like ./ is not generating that
directory (I assume that because its not available before executing
./ in the correct way. Unfortunately I have no idea how
./ works, so no way to fix that myself

As said this is latest version from cvs as well as all gnome stuff. System
is Redhat 5.1 with a 2.0.36 kernel.

I hope someone can help me...


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