Re: esd problem

In message <>, Michael Lausch writes:
| >>>>> "ba" == Brandon S Allbery <>
| >>>>> wrote the following on Thu, 03 Dec 1998 12:25:10 -0500
| ba> In message <>, Michael Lausch writes
| ba> | Wouldn't it be much simpler to call esd-config in the gnome-config
| ba> | shell script?
| ba> Simpler, but *wrong* if the visible esd development kit doesn't match the
|  one 
| ba> gnome-core was built with.
| I don't think so. the esound API and ABI should stay the same between
| different implementations of esound. 

Judging by everything else involved with GNOME (including other prerequisites) 
it seems safest to assume the API changes incompatibly.  That's what has 
happened so far with libtiff, libpng, etc. that I had to upgrade (and which 
I'm being reminded of as I try to build it on other systems here).

| I think to have the esound client library linked against sound system
| specific libraries is a big problem. you can't rely on the fact that
| only one sound system is supported under a specific OS. It's easy to
| start the right esound daemon and it's a little harder (and i think it
| might become a maintenance nightmare) to have all gnome programs
| linking against the correct dynamic sound lib.

brandon s. allbery	[os/2][linux][solaris][japh]
system administrator	     [WAY too many hats]
electrical and computer engineering					 KF8NH
carnegie mellon university	      ["God, root, what is difference?" -Pitr]

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