Re: keyboard (open question at end)

Todd Showalter <> writes:

>     I'd like a keyboard with a built-in CPU (maybe one of the Hitachi
> SuperH series) and maybe 4mb of RAM.  Make the keys 32x32 flatscreen
> displays (the big cost of flatscreens is failure rate on the large panels,
> right?), and let *me* program what the keys look like.  That way, if I
> want a gnome foot key, I *program* one.  If I want a "copy" key, I
> *program* one.  If I want a dvorak layout, my keyboard *looks* like
> dvorak, and if I want cyrillic or kanji, I can have them and the keyboard
> shows me what is where.

That's the "super duper deluxe" version.  I'd hate to engineer the
thing though...

>     Closer to topic, you can get Super and Hyper out of the M$ keys by
> playing with the keymaps in X.

I realise that, but I want the labels to match ;-)

Is anyone writing an XKB/Xmodmap configuration capplet?  Or is such a
beast not the Right Way to do that?
Sam Vilain,         work:                home:

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