Re: keyboard

On Wed, 2 Dec 1998, Fox, Kevin M wrote:
> Well, would it be possible to add keybindings to menus and buttons like
> (don't kill me) Winblowz 3.1/95/98/nt? I find it very nice to be able to hit
> alt f to get to my file menu.

Some apps already have this, it's just a matter of some simple changes.
We're taking patches for apps that don't support it yet. :-)

> menus. Also the key sequences should be uniform between all gnome programs.
> alt f or something to go to the file menu. the ever wondrous Ctrl Esc to get
> to the gnome menu.

gnome-libs has two separate mechanisms to do this (one in gnome-stock, the
other in gnome-uidefs) so it will probably get uniform eventually.


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