auto-something problem?

What is amiss when the following ends up in my gnome-libs Makefile
following a run of

	$(MAKE) dist distdir=$(PACKAGE)$(VERSION)

@MAINT@include macros/macros.dep
@MAINT@macros/macros.dep: macros/
@MAINT@	cd macros && $(MAKE) macros.dep

One of the auto* series is screwing up, I guess, but I don't know
what or how to find out.

Todd Graham Lewis      (800) 719-4664, x2804

"It's still ludicrous that nobody's ever made a run at us by making UNIX
 a popular platform on PCs.  It's almost too late now."  -- Steve Balmer
"It is too late."   -- Bill Gates             _Newsweek_, 6/23/97, p. 82

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