Re: Debian, gtk problem

editing /etc/ and adding [installprefix]/lib and then running
'ldconfig' should do the trick.

                Soren Harward               | Windows 95/98 DOES come
 Internet Information Systems Administrator | with a tool to recover
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On Mon, 31 Aug 1998, Phillip Neumann wrote:

>I have some troubles with compiling any gnome-application. For example
>compiling ggv, linux said it had some troubles with gtk..(look at the
>end of the doc to see the config.log file).
>I dont know very much about this, so please help...
>I have a Debian 2.0 system and have install gnome from the debian
>I have installed the package libgtk1.1 and libgtk1.1-dev, i think thats
>where the gtk stuff is, isnt it??
>What sould i do (install) to make ggv compile succsesfull ??

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