Re: Fwd: Read this please

[this was part of a private exchange which I now think is worth sharing

I *like* this -- I'll have to remember it.

Another paraphrase: MS is putting all its eggs into two (perilously 
similar) baskets, which could at any time be blasted by a meteor.  It
would be far more effective to have a *lot* of meteors:

-GNOME && KDE (not GNOME xor KDE)
-GNU/Linux, FreeBSD, NetBSD, and any other BSD I forgot
-RedHat, Debian, Extreme, Stampede, Slackware, SuSE, Caldera, etc.
-IceWM, FVWM, WindowMaker, E, BlackBox

The "free" (cost and source, both, since most people just care about the
former)) software movement is built on flexibility, so it's good to have a
bunch of different options.  Plus it avoids DoJ investigations ;)

                Soren Harward               | Windows 95/98 DOES come
 Internet Information Systems Administrator | with a tool to recover
               Cinternet, Inc.              | from Registry
 Voice: 891-1228 | corruption.      | It's called 'FDISK'.

On Wed, 26 Aug 1998, Michael J. Mitchell wrote:

>To paraphrase a biological maxim: "[Software] diversity is an indicator
>of a healthy system".

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