New character picker panel Applet

I have written a Gnome panel applet that allows users to pick accented
characters. It is at:

To install it, copy the charpick directory into the applets subdirectory of the
gnome-core source tree. If you're lucky, you should be able to do 
make install

otherwise play around with automake or something. :)

To run it, do Add applet->Utility->Character Picker from the Gnome panel.
Clicking on a button for a letter will select it so that you can paste it
elsewhere. Typing a letter (while the program has focus) will give a list of
accented or otherwise unusual versions of that letter to click on.

Caveats, and TODOs:

If iso 8859-1 (latin 1) is not your native character set, this program will
probably act rather strangely.

Capital letters, non standard punctuation, and a few oddball characters are not
implemented yet.

It seems that this program needs to be nicer about releasing focus after it
grabs it.

A few pixels need to be shaved off to make this fit in the panel nicely.

Size and default character list should be configurable.

The context menu should have callbacks to use language based lists, for example
all accented characters needed in Spanish or German

Remember folks, don't do anything silly like putting non ascii standard
characters into html files literally, and have fun!

Alexandre Muņiz

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