Re: TrueType and Gnome

On 24 Aug, Jo Dillon shouted:
->  Nelson Minar ( spake thusly:
->  > inherently monochrome, see the xfsft home page). So instead of using X
->  > fonts, why not build a new client-side string renderer for Gnome?
->  > Gnome apps that chose to then could have spiffy anti-aliased fonts on
->  > the screen. It will be slower, but maybe not too much so on the same
->  > machine. It might suck badly across the network.

already wirtte - almsot perfect xlib replacement for XDrawString.. :)
does anti-aliasing.. see E's ttfont.c :)

->  > Anyone care to guess how hard this would be for a relatively simple
->  > application, say gnome-terminal? Does eterm do this already? Does
->  > anyone else think this is a good idea, or am I crazy?
->  > 
->    Harmony does this already. It's not especially hard, especially if
->  you don't want anti-aliasing. If you /do/ want anti-aliasing life
->  is more difficult, and the performance will suck over a network.
->  The current Harmony Truetype font code is about 470 lines and
->  doesn't do anti-aliasing. The speed's not brilliant but certainly
->  usable.

hmmm damn E's is 870 lines - with anti-aliasing on arbitary X
drawables..:) need to do rotation sometime.. :)

->  > To reiterate, I'm suggesting two possibilities:
->  > 
->  > Build a support library for Gnome to use TrueType fonts as X fonts.
->  > This requires gluing in xfsft until an XFree with TrueType rendering
->  > comes out, and maybe making an improved font selection widget. Doesn't
->  > require any serious change to X, and most of the pieces are already written.
->  > 
->  > Build a library for rendering strings with FreeType, not using X's
->  > font support at all. This replaces a big chunk of how X works but
->  > would look really nice.
->  > 
->    If you go for the latter I'd be interested in cooperating with gnome
->  over configuration file formats and suchlike.
->  > -- 
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->  > 
->  - -- 
->  	Jo
->  Harmony - the project to create an LGPL Qt clone
->  ------- end -------
->  ----- End forwarded message -----

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