Re: Announce: gnome-utils/mini-utils/guname now use libgtop

On 23 Aug 1998, David [ISO-8859-1] Kågedal wrote:
> It should be reorganized.  Here are my thoughts:
>  * The initial window should contain only very basic information. OS,
>    distribution, maybe memory size

This is what it has now, no?
>  * There should be a lot more information available through this
>    window.  

Which window? It isn't clear to me what you mean by "this."

> The rest of the stuff, including the disk info which is
>    today mysteriously hidden under the third mouse button.  Also other
>    information, like multi-CPU status, disks etc.  All this should not
>    be put in a "GNOME About" window.

So you think two separate applications?
>  * I should be more portable.  I started rewriting stuff in guname to
>    use sysinfo() instead of uname(), which gave more information on
>    Solaris, but then I realized that libgtop was not yet ported to
>    Solaris, so I sort of left it.

This is basically a libgtop issue. guname will just report on things
libgtop or Posix/Unix98 provide.

It should be fairly portable now, I think all the system calls are
Posix/Unix98. It does try to determine if it's on a Debian box but behaves
gracefully if it isn't. I would like to have checks for other Linux dists
and other OS's, too, hopefully as much as possible at runtime.

> How about a notebook type window?

I don't like that for the main window; the "Detailed" window already is a
notebook IIRC. 


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