Re: panel error *** ORBit patch ***

On Thu, 13 Aug 1998, Miguel de Icaza wrote:

> > If you want to send in a non-hackish patch to read a global config file
> > for default command line switches, including a nice way to generate a new
> > UNIX socket name for each app, I'll be glad to consider it.
> This is even more broken.

Why? (Please notice I said "nice way" :-)

	A computer system that doesn't reliably support IPv4 communications and
	the associated host naming/address translation methods (gethostby*

The best solution left is:
	To avoid using IPv4 altogether, and use a method that doesn't
	depend on networking (UNIX sockets).

However, to avoid brokenness:
	In order to determine whether the UNIX socket path specified
	in an IOR is the same one as on the current host, we need to find
	out the FQDN of the current host and compare it to the hostname
	specified in the IOR.

-- Elliot
Progress (n.): The process through which Usenet has evolved from smart
people in front of dumb terminals to dumb people in front of smart
terminals.  --

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