Something about the menus in the Panel...

I wanted to say that the panel in GNOME is really nice. WAY cooler than
any other similar thing I've seen. It's quite unstable to. :)
But then again it could be the applets that are unstable...

Anyway, there is, however, something that could be improved. That is
aside from making it more stable. :) And that's the menus. 

I think the button after each entry in the menu, and the extra entry (or
is it called item?) with the accompanied button in each submenu, is a
total waste of space.
Moreover, it isn't very intuitive, and can be confusing for a new user.
Besides, it's quite ugly to. :)

An alternative way of implementing the same feature would be to let the
user right-click on the menu-entry instead. That way it wouln't be
necessary for the extra entry in the submenus, and it would look nicer
(no button :)). However, that wouldn't be really intuitive either.

Instead, you could make use of drag-and-drop. I.e., you could drag an
entry and drop it on the panel. To make a drawe instead of a menu, you 
could press the ctrl/alt/shift/whatever key while dropping. The default 
(menu or drawer) could be user-configurable. 
And the 'properties' entry seems to be ghosted all the the time.
You should use the menu-editor to change the properties of the entrys 
anyway, so losing it isn't to bad.

Adam Chodorowski (

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