Re: An answer to metadata, complete.

> So, a multi user os, with a multi threading file system, that doesn't
> support any sort of extended data beond what it was originaly designed
> for, and your not able to depend upon but the options available from
> chmod, as all other's a sys spec.
> So, you either make a central database & library interface to it, which may
> or may not alow for segragated user data, and if files are manipulated outside
> of the library, links could keep going dead continuisly causeing endless
> amounts of truble. Or you keep user metadata databases, belonging to the
> user, kept in there home directory, and manipulated through a library. still
> looses track of file that are moved/renamed outside of the library.
> Neither option really works. Here's one that does.
> Someone, awhile ago, wrote a library called libvfs, that alowed any app linked
> to libc, to open things as mc(vfs orig) did, without recompileing or relinking
> anything.
> Now here's we we get creative. We build both central & user databases,
> the central with a list of files that contain the name(s) of the users that need
> to be updated when the corisponding file is changed. Each user, keeps a
> database of metadat on all files that have been extended, includeing files
> from remote sites. This database will be updated by a library that set & get's
> the data, and is updated by libvfs when a file is changed through normal means
> such as mv. This will keep all meta data updtaed, and user spec.
> Complex files, suck as opendoc file, that know about how to view/print/edit
> them selves, comtain there own meta data, makeing them universal(same for
> all users, reguardless of who makes the changes). The user database just
> redirects all setting to be set in the file it self.

It sounds nice, but what is it good for? :) If it's only to determine
how to view/edit a document/file, then I can think of better ways to do

I new to this list, so I haven't been able to follow the discussion (if
there was any).
So, enlighten me. :)

Adam Chodorowski (

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