On Fri, 7 Aug 1998 13:45:38 -0700 (PDT), <MilesEgan> wrote:
>On Fri, 7 Aug 1998, Todd Graham Lewis wrote:
>> Well, the underlying mechanism for all of this is CORBA, so the ORBit people
>> can probably answer authoritatively.  Elliot seems to think that he can do
>> CORBA calls in the same address space without mashalling the parameters, which
>> would let you get pretty close to the same speed as shared libraries.  I'll
>> let someone else answer this one further.
>I know nothing about CORBA, but this is certainly the case in COM.  The
>only real overhead incurred in accessing an in-process COM object is the
>overhead of the single function call required to obtain the interface
>you're after.  All subsequent calls on the interface are as fast as a
>normal virtual function call. 

The problem is that with CORBA, you either need to define a custom object
adapter, or you have to add indirection in order to take care of the POA
processing. If you make a few restrictions on how people can use the POA
for these in-process objects, you don't have to do either, which makes it
a fairly reasonable thing to do. 

While this feature is on the long-term (i.e. AFTER version 1.0 :) TODO
list for ORBit, I really don't think CORBA was intended for a lightweight
per-program object model. Use GtkObject for intra-program objects, and
CORBA for inter-program ones. 

Volunteers wanted to help code all this stuff,
-- Elliot
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