On Thu, 6 Aug 1998, Miguel de Icaza wrote:

> > Will we have stuff like IDispatch/IUnknown in it?
> We will have something similar to IUnknown in terms of querying wheter
> an object supports a given interface.
> We do not need IDispatch, as we get all of the benefits of IDispatch
> for free by using CORBA.
> miguel.
After reading the discussion about all this, I have a few (possibly
newbie) questions. 

Was there any consideration to using OpenDoc? I'm not really versed in it,
but it was supposedly superior to COM/OLE2 and IBM has released its source
code (over SOM I think) which shouldn't take too much adaptation to work
over generic CORBA.  There is also some talk of it being resurrected in

Secondly, is the XPCOM stuff from the Mozilla release any use if COM
really is the way to go?



P.S. regarding the Gnome Database Kit discussion, I'm the maintainer of
the FreeTDS project (, which is a wire
level compatible interface to Sybase and MS SQL-Server databases (the TDS
protocol), we are planning on supporting ODBC as one of the call level
interfaces and I would recommend leaving well enough alone. The world
doesn't need another CLI for databases.

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