Julian Regel wrote:
> > > From the gnome-0.25 release announcement:
> > >
> > > * Expect a first preview of the GNOME component model to be
> > >   available in about a month.
> >
> > Wouldn't it be great if the GNOME component model would be something
> > compatible to or a port of KOM (and later perhaps OpenParts)?


> I can't see why not for technical reasons. It would be a shame if we
> ended up with two different, incompatible object component models on
> the same desktop.
> Or is there some _technical_ reason why this would be impractical?

Even if a direct compatibility is not possible (due to
fundamental differences in structure?), the GNOME component model
should at the _very_ least allow for some sort of plug-in or
abstraction layer so that the two can somehow, someday be
connected.  This would allow GNOME to expand into just about any
new desktop environment.

To me, this is very critical.


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